Creative Director / Art Director / Designer
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Reynolds Wrap




reynolds wrap

A 70-year-old brand introduces itself to the modern cook.


Reynolds Wrap is over 70 years old. While the product is still as useful today as it was in 1947, only older generations really used the product. We wanted to reintroduce the brand to a younger audience while staying true to the brand’s heritage and quality. We updated every aspect of the brand. From TV, to social, to print.


This video took audio from a 1950’s Reynolds Wrap commercial and overlaid it
on new footage depicting modern life in America.


Throwback video content showed Reynolds Wrap through the decades.

Side note: picking wardrobe & props dating back to the 50’s made this my favorite set to art direct to date.


We used music & design to appeal to a younger target.

Side note: each sandwich took 8 hours to film. stop motion takes patience and craft.


We brought a 70-year-old brand onto Snapchat for the first time.


We created quirky digital & print content that felt fresh and Instagram-y.