Creative Director / Art Director / Designer




No script or actors present in the Hardee’s Taste Like America Campaign.


Hardee’s is one of the few QSR brands that is only located in America’s heartland. For years they’ve served up made from scratch favorites but over time their identity got lost. Our job was to bring the brand back to its roots in a way that felt truly authentic. We launched with the Tastes Like America campaign that became an ode to the hard-working, proud people of America's heartland. 

No actors, no script, just real people who like real food.


In the heartland we make Cropboards. Not billboards.

We worked with Earthworks artist Stan Herd to craft a Hardee’s burger in the middle of Nashville.


Social content showed real people eating real food.


We turned the Hardee’s brand book into a roadmap of the heartland.